S. C. de Bariloche - October 12th. and 13th.,  2007
Regional Seminar - Ricardo Lopez Sensei

Professor Ricardo Lopez dictated a new Regional Seminar this past  October 12th. and 13th. The seminar took place in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, in one of our branches: Aiki Dojo Bariloche.
A distinct number of participants, both from our school and from other organizations, attended the 2 day seminar; which was open to all Aikido schools.
Like on previous visits, Professor Ricardo Lopez conducted Kyus evaluations. It is worth highlighting the hard work, commitment and dedication of the evaluated practitioners.

Let us remember that the Aiki Dojo Bariloche is led by Prof. Mario Rios, 3er. Dan Hombu Dojo, Japan, featuring Prof. Ricardo Lopez as the Dojo technical director.


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